Part 1/4: The Power of Collaboration

In the fast-paced world of work, the ability to collaborate effectively across teams and organisations is a cornerstone for achieving exceptional results. However, one might ponder why, despite teams working together, the desired outcomes often remain elusive. It's a question worth exploring. 

The picture here represents a team (us, Mari and Kara) working for the same remarkable organisation, made up of individuals with diverse skill sets, experiences, perspectives, and ways of thinking - just the way they (and in this case we) prefer it. We had never collaborated on a project until a unique opportunity arose. Conventional approaches might have suggested assigning such a challenging project to a single expert to lead, forming a small team of support. However, we have come to understand that the most exceptional results are achieved when cross-functional skill sets unite, each bringing a distinct and unique experience to the table. We know this collaborative approach enables people to unlock their own collective potential and deliver the best possible outcomes for their clients.  

The picture stands for the result of building a strong relationship through authentic collaboration and teamwork. 

Living in different states, we had exchanged countless greetings, attended some of the same meetings, and engaged in workplace small talk. The project had an interesting start; one of us was on leave, resulting in a one-dimensional approach to get the frameworks and way forward off the ground. The complexity increased due to technology barriers and hurdles.  

Yet, as soon as we were both back in the thick of things, we recognised the need to not only review the work in progress, but also align on our collaborative approach to create a unique team dynamic. Put simply, our achievement lay in our ability to carve out time and space for each other. While working in tandem, we forged a swift connection. Both being high-performing individuals, mothers of two, juggling the intricate dance of balance. We aimed not only to succeed but to excel and we did it pretty well (together). 

The principles we forged for ourselves were anchored in unwavering mutual trust, vulnerability, and open sharing. This might sound straightforward, but when faced with adversity or challenges, openly baring one's struggles to a colleague is far from simple or easy. We met many obstacles and celebrated countless victories, but found our true strength lay in our ability to come together, set aside our egos, and place unwavering trust in each other, giving space to one another to recover, rejuvenate, celebrate or pivot to address different challenges. Masterfully juggling multiple roles: projects, family, life. 

Rather than allowing the project's twists and turns to dampen our spirits, we leveraged each other's strengths. We turned challenges into opportunities, showcasing our resilience and found creative ways to advance the project, meeting the BIG THREE – scope, time, and budget – together. 

Internally, we created synergy by building a collaborative network of specialists and together improved problem-solving by pooling our knowledge and ability to tackle complex problems more effectively. As a team, we achieved greater decision-making through considering each other's different viewpoints, mitigating potential individual risks and biases. We were able to be more adaptable and agile in responding to changes by working together, finding it easier to quickly adapt to new circumstances, seize opportunities, and navigate challenges effectively. 

In hindsight, this collaborative journey taught us invaluable lessons about the power of trust, vulnerability, and open communication in the workplace. We discovered that when faced with hurdles or challenges, our willingness to lean on each other and openly share our struggles not only strengthened our professional partnership but also created a deep sense of camaraderie. 

Through our shared experiences, we realised that it's possible to achieve remarkable results not by sidelining our personal lives but by integrating them into the professional journey. As working mothers, we found inspiration in each other's ability to balance multiple responsibilities and excel in our careers. 

This story of collaboration is a testament to the extraordinary outcomes that can be achieved when individuals bring their unique skills and experiences to the table, working in harmony to surpass the expectations of their clients and their own. 


Part 2/4: Collaboration does not always = authenticity


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